Live Events with The Double Shift
The F*ck Mom Guilt World Tour
The Double Shift kicked off a successful live event series during our first season, which we’re calling The F*ck Mom Guilt World Tour, with stops so far in NYC, Durham, NC., Oakland and San Francisco. Our events are boisterous, fun, and typically sold out. The Durham show (photos below by Lis Tyroler) featured Anita Rao of She and Her Radio as the interviewer and was a collaboration between The Double Shift and Eyes Up Here, a women-led comedy group featuring two mom-comics as an opening act. The event, which we plan to replicate in other cities with local partners, is part listening party and part feminist real-talk about motherhood that brings people together for NOT your average “moms’ night out.” The tour is resonating with both superfans of the show and newbies who haven’t listened yet.
We plan to continue the tour to other locations across the country…. and maybe the world?! Stay tuned for more!
Host Katherine Goldstein also does solo speaking engagements at conferences, companies and universities. Reach out if you are interested in organizing a Double Shift event of having her speak to your group. You can email for more info.