(Thank you, IWPR!)
Yes, I haven’t stopped thinking about the leaked Supreme Court decision draft since Monday night, and you can see ideas at the end of this email for organizing and links. If you haven’t listened yet, check out our episode from 2021, “Pro-Mother, Pro-Abortion” that gives important context and storytelling to the moment we now find ourselves in. You’ll be hearing plenty more from me on this topic, but I’m gathering my thoughts for the long fight rather than hot-taking, so I am sending out my previously written email as planned. ______________
I wrote this on the plane last week back from San Francisco where I attended IWPR’s Power+ Summit. Like many of you, I haven’t attended an in-person conference in years (Late 2018, for me, I think.) It felt really good. It was one of those gatherings where all the attendees were fascinating and no one was too cool for school. l got to meet people in-person that I’ve spent years connecting with virtually, like Eve Rodsky. I felt held in intellectual community with so many creative feminists with bold ideas and unapologetic ambition. I got to hear New York Attorney General Tish James describe how she starts her day. “First, I get my coffee. After that I ask, ‘Who am I going to sue today?” (I am dead.) Roxane Gay told us she thought the most important “moonshot idea” we need to go after is universal childcare. (To hear a feminist without children of her stature say this... I’m dead again.) I know I wouldn’t have gotten a fraction of as much out of the conference if I’d watched the livestream. I loved the serendipitous conversations, handing out some newly printed business cards, hearing cool ideas for future stories, and meeting people to follow up with as I continue my 2022 pivot. Essentially, we’ve all been mostly eating the sugar-free vanilla ice cream version of social and professional networking for the last few years, and conferences like these are decadent chocolate sundaes. It is awesome. But it is rich. And a little overwhelming. So here’s a little advice if you find yourself thinking about saddling up to the metaphorical dessert bar of social gatherings sometime soon. You do you about your COVID comfort. I know the pandemic is not over, and we are now in this real weird phase around mask requirements disappearing. I gotta say it was personally a relief to attend this event having recently recovered from COVID, but if you feel like you don’t want to go to events because you are self-conscious about wearing a mask, don’t let anyone make you feel weird. And don’t let fear of sideways glances or leaving before the maskless indoor afterparty stop you from taking advantage of other in-person opportunities. They are SO great.