Mamas of The Brothels

Mamas of The Brothels

Natasha Star is one of the highest earning sex workers at the Sagebrush Ranch in Carson City, Nevada. She's also a mom to a five year-old son. In this episode we talk to moms, madams and experts to explore the perks and pitfalls of being a working mom when your office is a legal brothel.

Additional Links and Resources about Sex Workers


Sex Workers Outreach Project

Global Network of Sex Work Projects

Awaken (Communities United to End Sex Trafficking)


Playing the Whore: The Work of Sex Work

Human Trafficking Around the World: Hidden in Plain Sight

How Mamas Love Their Babies (Kids’ Book)

Articles about recent news events:

Former Workers’ Lawsuit Targets Nevada’s Brothels (Wapo)

Behind Illicit Massage Parlors Lie a Vast Crime Network and Modern Indentured Servitude (NYTimes)

Other reading:

What It’s Like to be a Mom and a Sex Worker (Vice)

The Mothers Secretly Working as Sex Workers (BBC)

A Week As A Legal Sex Worker Who Booked $1 Million This Year (Refinery29)

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